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Prunus domestica 'Lindsey'

One of the most popular gages, the Lindsey is a lovely sweet, tasty gage, great for eating and cooking. It is less prone to cracking than some.  


Self fertile : No

Flowering Group: 2

Pick: Early August

Use: Eating / Cooking


Producing lots of pretty white blossom in spring, this gage tree will make a lovely addition to your garden or orchard. Lindsey produces some of the sweetest and tastiest gages which are perfect for eating or cooking. The gages themselves are rounded and small to medium-sized and less prone to cracking than some gages. As some good gages can be, cropping is often light, especially compared to most plums.


Pollination Partners

Gage - Cambridge, Gage - Dennistons Superb, Plum - Victoria, Plum - Czar, Mirabelle de Nancy, Damson - Merryweather, Damson - Shropshire Prune.


A Guide to Fruit Rootstocks

Prunus domestica 'Lindsey's Gage' | Gage Tree

Артикул: FT1332-360-1SV
£69.95 Звичайна ціна
£59.46За розпродажем

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